Technican Co., Ltd.


Freeze TestSeafood



ご老人+お刺身=大好き!という事で、 老人ホームでもなんとかお刺身を、 メニューとして、提供できないか!従来、ナマモノは衛生上NGですが、 ご要望は非常に多いのです。これはもう、当社のリキッドフリーザー凍眠でしか解決できません!


食べるまでパックは破らず衛生に徹し、しかも液体凍結により、ほとんど生と変わらない美味しさ。タイ、ブリ、アジ、スマカツオ等、 全て活魚を各々、リキッドフリーザー凍眠と一般のエアで凍結し氷水にて同様に解凍しました。

そして氷水解凍後、切り身盛り付け、 今回は更に凍結していない生と、液体凍結と、エア凍結の3種類でブラインドテスト致しました。




Products & Services

  • Freezers for wholesalers, food processing plants, and producers


  • Freezers for restaurants and online retailers

    TOMIN Mini

  • TOMIN Liquid Cryo-Freezing goods at home


We offer a wide range of products and sizes to fit your operation

Medium- to large-capacity freezer line for wholesalers, food processing plants, and producers.
We help you find the right model to suit your needs.


The 60 x 60 cm compact liquid freezer for restaurants and online retailers

The compact small-capacity freezer.
We support our customers in everything from purchasing to sales, market expansion, and beyond.
*TOMIN Mini may not be available in some countries. Please contact us for more information.

frozen food

Frozen food just as fresh as the moment it was prepared

TŌMIN FROZEN changes the image that frozen food doesn't taste good.
TŌMIN FROZEN is a store that uses TOMIN Liquid Cryo-Freezing to handle frozen foods.
We have a great selection of produce, including gourmet chef menus and commodities that consumers can only eat at the origin of produce.

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Technican Co., Ltd.

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