TECHNOLOGY TOMIN Liquid Cryo-Freezing
Keeping the original taste and texture of all foods Creating a world with zero food waste.
Conventional air freezing destroys the cells in food, causing flavor and nutrients to spill out as drip.
Conventional freezing degrades the original product, resulting in significant food waste.
TOMIN Liquid Cryo-Freezing freezes at -30℃ (about 20 times faster than air blast freezing), minimizing cell destruction and drip.
Foods maintain their original flavor even after repeated freezing and thawing.
Our goal at Technican is to use this technology to create a future with ZERO food waste.
VISION Technican’s vision
Technican aims to change the future of our planet
Say goodbye to the problems of conventional freezing
Food cells are destroyed during the freezing process Quality, nutritional value, and flavor are lost
Refrigeration becomes a requirement,creating food waste and necessitating additives.
We will eliminate issues associated with current freezing methods, changing the image of frozen food to a positive
Contributing to the future of the planet
Food delivered after TOMIN Liquid Cryo-Freezing arrives fresher than food delivered after refrigeration.
Foods from developing countries can be delivered anywhere in the world, any time of year.
Our technology contributes to both food and job security for the world.
We aspire to achieve a world with zero food waste by utilizing food distribution channels that were previously impossible.
PRODUCTS Products and Services
Freezers for wholesalers, food processing plants, and producers
Freezers for restaurants and online retailers
*TOMIN Mini may not be available in some countries. Please contact us for more information. -
TOMIN Liquid Cryo-Freezing goods at home
We offer a wide range of products and sizes to fit your operation
Medium- to large-capacity freezer line for wholesalers, food processing plants, and producers.
We help you find the right model to suit your needs.
The 60 x 60 cm compact liquid freezer for restaurants and online retailers
The compact small-capacity freezer.
We support our customers in everything from purchasing to sales, market expansion, and beyond.
Frozen food just as fresh as the moment it was prepared
TŌMIN FROZEN changes the image that frozen food doesn't taste good.
TŌMIN FROZEN is a store that uses TOMIN Liquid Cryo-Freezing to handle frozen foods.
We have a great selection of produce, including gourmet chef menus and commodities that consumers can only eat at the origin of produce.
The benefits of TOMIN Liquid Cryo-Freezing
Deliver food and produce anywhere as if it was just harvested
Freeze restaurant or home-cooked dishes as if they were just made
Various businesses and customers are using TOMIN Liquid Cryo-Freezing
Case studies | TOMIN
TOMIN Case studies
Case studies | TOMIN
TOMIN Case studies
Case studies | TOMIN Mini
TOMIN Mini Case studies
Case studies | TOMIN Mini
TOMIN Mini Case studiesConsidering to use our products?
REPORT Activities
Stories covering how Technican is working toward a world with Zero Food Waste
What is the difference between flash freezing and quick freezing? About machines and freezing methods
Frozen Sake Event held at a corporate get-together! <COMTURE CORPORATION>
What is quick freezing? Important factors, benefits and types of quality preservation
Shimogamo Saryo’s top-class pairing of “TOMIN NAMA SAKE” with Japanese food culture of the new era
3-1-16 Chigasaki-Minami, Tsuzuki-ku
Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan